Tuesday, January 31, 2012

FOTD: Bright Lips (and Personal Issues)

Hey foxy ladies (and gents)! Usually I doh't do a bright lip because I'm much more confident (and comfortable) with a nude lip. Bright lips make me go to a whole nother level of confident because I have to push through the self-consciousness. Come to think of it, anything that really puts me out there does. Like hats. I love them, but rarely wear them, because they call so much attention to me. Okay, apparently I have issues. Anyway, i hope you like the look. I'mma go now and umm...do some self relfecting...yeah....


CocoagirlD said...

I love it.. you should do that color more often it looks beautiful on you.

socialitedreams said...

gorgeous lip color

ZoƩ said...

Lovely lip colour! :)